
102 杜甫有子宗文、宗武,亦贫困潦倒,流落湖、湘(樊晃《杜工部小集序》)。宗武子嗣业之后,子孙史传无名。在宋人文献中,尚可见到有关杜甫后裔的记载,如《宋史.杜莘老传》称莘老为杜甫13代裔孙;又王十朋有《杜御史(莘老)墓志》,查龠有《杜御史莘老行状》等等,记述宗文后人的情况。本文未涉及五代以后杜甫后裔的情况,暂备考。


104 韩树峰《河南裴氏南迁述论》,《中国史研究》1996年2期。

105《四库全书总目提要·史部·地理类三》,中华书局 。

106 马永卿《嬾真子》,中华书局《丛书集成初编》本。

107 颜之推《观我生赋》自注,《北齐书》45《文苑·颜之推传》。


109 参阅陈琳国《论南朝襄阳的晚渡士族》,《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》1991年第4 期。


111 费孝通《乡土中国·礼治秩序》,三联书店 1985年。

The Du Family in Xianyang from the 4th to 9th century

Wang Liping

(College of History,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China)

Abstract: The Du Family in Xiangyang was one of the paticular branches of the prominent Du family in Guangzhouregion,After the rebellion in the 5th year of the reign of emperor Yomgia(311).Du Dan,son of the Du Yu the famous general and scholar,adjouned south with his family and settled in Xiangyang .gradully, the DuDan family became famous and destinguished;there quite a lot of its descendants were known despots far and wide in the Southren Dynasty occupying of power,There was only one branch Du Qiangguang who returned North joining again the ranks of the scholars, In years between the Han and Wei the descendants of Du Qiangguang moved to Luoyang an Gongxian,Henan province,then a family known to its literary fenius came out of an old famous family of Confucian scholarship.Du Sheyan was a Known post in the early days of the Tang Dynasty, and hie grandson Du Fu was evenmore a genius post bringing the Chinese ancent poetry to prosperous peak.Yet ,the Xiangyang Du family was after all a non—local family which had gone through a unique experience and declined at last by the later Tang Dynasty.There must be containing rich historical contents in the rise and rall of a wealthe family, a family of Confucian Scholarship transmuting itself into a family of literary excellence.

Key words: family of Confucian Scholarship ;family of literary;clan


作者简介:王力平 (1958–),女(汉族),南开大学历史学博士,副研究员。研究方向为隋唐五代史、历史文献学。

王力平(南开大学 历史学院,天津 300071)

